This picture show Mr. Robot (Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not AI)) listening to Lisa speaking.

Do it different

Today, in organizations, processes requiring human intelligence are executed by people. Our vision is that tomorrow, organizations will combine the capabilities of humans and machines to execute the same processes more efficiently. To make this possible, people in our industry believed in machine learning technologies and used math and stats to make computers smarter. But we think that we can do it different!

We believe that intelligence is a human thing and we mainly used psychology, neurosciences and linguistic to make machines mimic human intelligence. We created Percipion™, a new generation of software, able to replicate how the brain works and capable of performing tasks usually requiring human intelligence.

Your benefits

Percipion™’s main aim is to assist professionals in decision-making.

It endows people with superior-grade precision in analysis while ensuring everything is in their control.

Percipion™ is supplementing their diagnosis with its own set of data and analysis, which helps in improving the quality of decisions in critical processes and situations.

With the help of Percipion™, the examination of information is accelerated. It will bring
an expertise to places where no experts are available by providing key insights on sensitive data freeing people to focus on higher value activities.

– AI Act compliant & no third party components
– Transparent and explainable outputs
– Coded in France by Aeteos
– Can be installed and generate value immediatly
– All-in-one eco-friendly Linux based solution
– Process data offline & in real-time
– Can be hosted anywhere (PC, On-Prem or Cloud)
– Process both weak and strong semantics
– Identify 124 psychological factors
– Identify 186 moderation factors
– Understand Valences, Emojis & Algospeak

Ethical by design

Percipion™, as a knowledge-based cognitive computing NLU system, uses only qualified data, is trustworthy and cannot be poisoned. It cannot make predictions or recommendations, make decisions or create new content. Users retain full control. We do it different! Percipion is not a AI software product and is not subject to the European regulation of the AI Act.


Technology for the good

Percipion™ is a human-centered technology that serves the needs of society and the common good. It cannot be used to identify or discriminate against people. It is accurate, reliable, transparent, highly secure and not linked to any third party software or components. 

Want to learn more about Percipion?

Use cases

Percipion™ can be used across the enterprise to modernize at least 47 use cases related to several business capabilities such as Cybersecurity, Marketing & Customer Experience, Sales & Commerce and Talent & Organizations. Please find below some examples.


Employee morale

Assess customers claims


maturity level

Monitoring change journey

Better push-ads feature

Monitor social network

Employee motivation

Identify unhappy customers

Enhance chatbots

Brand reputation

Assess corporate

Moderate content

Protect corporate


Marketing analysis

Search information

Identify criminals


Workforce attrition

Identify scammers

Assess resume


Identify threats

Assess soft-skills

Monitor websites

Assess customer feedback

Forensic insights

Compare documents

Customer buying drivers

Assess seals

Assess competitors

Collect insights

Identify ambassadors & critics

Psycho-social risks

Want to learn more about our modernization opportunities?

Success stories

Please find below some examples of our success stories.

Social Network monitoring

In the French Olympic and Paralympic Games context, a national NGO used Percipion™ to monitor social networks, providing specific insights on hate speeches for National Statistical Services.

Collect Digital Evidences

Forensic analysts use Percipion™ daily to process data extracted from seized digital material, collect criminal evidence, and generate reports to support investigation units.

Detecting Pedocrimes

LEA’s are using Percipion to process child sexual abuse material available in natural language and identify weak and strong semantics related to pedocrimes and child grooming tactics.

Voice of the customer

Use Percipion™ to assess voice of the customer material, identify buying drivers and use the new insight to increase sells.

Employee satisfaction

Use Percipion™ to assess employee surveys (satisfaction at work criteria and emotions) to identify pain points and reduce employee attrition.

Quality control

Specific Cognitive Computing engine based on Percipion™ and using SmartNeurons™ to check the quality of aeroplane maintenance manuals.

Contact us to get started !

EU Business News Logo.
La French Tech Logo.
Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) Logo.
Sillicon Review Logo with a text : "50 most admired companies of the year".

EU Business

French CEO of the year 2023: Most Innovative Cognitive AI Software Development 

French Tech

Shortlisted in 2019 among the 10 best companies to represent the French Tech abroad

Study on AI

Aeteos™ is creating a 3rd generation of AI, also called cognitive and sets an example in this domain

Silicon Review

Nominated as one of the 50 most admired global tech company in 2023