Picture showing a male police officer on the right of a blue, yellow and pink backdrop. It represent the cybersecurity capability, in which Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not AI) can comprehend 186 moderation categories.


Voici quelques cas d’usages pouvant être modernisés grâce à Percipion™ (tarif vert). Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez consulter nos tarifs.

Cybercriminels les plus recherchés

Picture showing a man wearing a black hoodie and a red face mask covering his mouse and nose. It represent the far-left ultra violence. One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend. It his part of the cybersecurity (Law Enforcement) capability.

Black blocks

Picture showing a man wearing a black shirt with a red collar. His face look aggressive. It represent the ultra-violence. One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend. It his part of the cybersecurity (Law Enforcement) capability.


Picture showing a white man with a lot of tattoos. It represent the online hate speech (nazi, holocaust, discrimination). One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend. It his part of the cybersecurity (Law Enforcement) capability.

Crimes de haine

Picture showing a man wearing a white shirt. His face look aggressive. It represent the domestic violence. One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend. It his part of the cybersecurity (Law Enforcement) capability.

Violence domestique

Picture showing a man wearing a blue hat and a yellowish jacket. His face look severe. It represent the illegal drug deal. One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend. It his part of the cybersecurity (Law Enforcement) capability.


Picture showing an old man. He have a filthy look, grey hair and a white mustache. It represent the pedocrimes (pedophile). One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend. It his part of the cybersecurity (Law Enforcement) capability.


Picture showing a man wearing a air pilot hat and a purple top. This top is open and show his hairy chest. It represent the crimes related to pornography (revenge porn, etc.). One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend. It his part of the cybersecurity (Law Enforcement) capability.

Crime sexuel

Picture showing a female with sexy looking clothes. It represent the human trafficking (illegal prostitution). One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend. It his part of the cybersecurity (Law Enforcement) capability.

Trafique d'être humains

Picture showing a black man with a cigarette in his mouse. It represent the scammer and scamming strategies. One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend. It his part of the cybersecurity (Law Enforcement) capability.

Fraude & Escroquerie

Picture showing a man wearing a black balaclava (ski mask), a rifle in his back and a bullet-proof vest. It represent the terrorism. One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend. It his part of the cybersecurity (Law Enforcement) capability.


Picture showing a man that look filthy. It represent the sexual grooming (pedophile). One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend.


Picture showing a man laughing with an aggressive face. It represent one the social harassment (bullying). One of the 186 illegal content categories that Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not IA) can comprehend.


Cas d'usages

Percipion™ peut être utilisé quotidiennement pour moderniser jusqu’à 47 cas d’usages. Voici quelques exemples liés à la cybersécurité.

Modération de contenu

Analyse forensic

Analyse de scéllés

Identification des pédocriminels

Identification des pédopiégeurs

Identification des crimes sexuel

Surveillance de réseaux sociaux

Surveillance de site web

Identification des menaces

Identification des criminels

Identification des narcotrafics

Identification du harcélement

Identification de l'ultra-violence

Identification du trafic d'être humain

Identification du terrorisme

Une journée avec Max

Max travaille pour les forces de l’ordre et est chargé de traquer les pédocriminels. Il a arrêté un individu soupçonné d’abus sexuel sur enfant et l’a placé en détention pendant 48 heures. À l’heure actuelle, il court contre la montre.

This picture show a sad Law Enforcement Agent (LEA) doing forensic analysis on the laptop and smartphone of "The pedophile". "The pedophile" is locked in a cell on the left side of the picture. This picture is the first part of Max (LEA) story telling.

Max a obtenu un mandat pour un groupe de discussion, et une fois les données extraites et disponibles, il devra les évaluer rapidement pour trouver le contenu illégal pertinent.

This picture show a worried Law Enforcement Agent (LEA) doing seals analysis on the laptop and smartphone of "The pedophile". "The pedophile" is locked in a cell on the left side of the picture. We can see that Max (LEA) is highlighting relevant keywords from tow huge ream of paper. This picture is the second part of Max story telling.

Aujourd’hui, il a 1902 pages de texte brut à lire. Il ne reste que 30 heures pour trouver des preuves. Pour remplir correctement toutes ces pages, il faudrait au maximum 20 jours.

This picture show a happy Law Enforcement Agent (LEA) watching Percipion, Aeteos NLU solution (not AI), doing seals analysis on the laptop and smartphone of "The pedophile". "The pedophile" is locked in a cell on the right side of the picture. This picture is the third part of Max story telling.

Demain, Percipion™ accélérera l’examen de ces données brutes et fournira à Max des renseignements clés en quelques heures seulement (les avantages annuels estimés sont de 0,79 ETP).

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